Study Area and Lines of Research

    Study Area

    Teaching of Science and Mathematics

    Lines of Research

    1) Teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics: fundamentals, processes, and productions

    Studies that address aspects of the teaching-learning process related to the construction of knowledge and conceptual formation in Natural Sciences and Mathematics, such as investigations into students' conceptions, models, teaching proposals, learning diagnoses, the role of the history of science and epistemology in the training of students. Investigations into the design, development, adequacy and application of teaching materials and new technologies that will add, as a tool and method, to the teaching-learning process of Basic and/or Higher Education students in formal and non-formal spaces of education.

    2) Teacher training in Science: knowledge, subjects, and educational spaces.

    Studies on teacher training processes and other educational agents, concepts, and ideals covering aspects of initial and continuing training in formal and non-formal spaces. Investigations on pedagogical practice as a locus of knowledge at different educational levels. Studies on the role of the teacher related to the elaboration, development, and evaluation of teaching proposals to rethink the pedagogical work. Analysis of curricular proposals, policies, and organization of Brazilian education.