Scientific Production

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    TETZENER JUNIOR, Adenilson Francisco; LOPES, Nataly Carvalho; ABREU, Augusto Higor do Santos; BRINA, Daniel; PIRES, Higor Gustavo; SILVA, Rafael Pereira; OLIVEIRA, Cristiano Rocha. Considerations on the work with the simulated jury in a socio-scientific question with future physics teachers. Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology Teaching. v. 13, n. 2, 2020.

    ZORZO, Viviani; FURLAN, Elaine Gomes Matheus ; FARIA, Paulo Cézar; NASCIMENTO, Rodrigo Rios. Science teaching: debates, concepts, obstacles. In: Amilton José Freire de Queiroz; Caue Camargo Santos. (Org.). Research in Basic, Technical and Technological Education: Education, Arts and Language. 3ed.Rio Branco: Stricto Sensu Editora, 2020, v. 3, p. 182-201.

    SILVA, Matheus. N. S.; CARVALHO-NETO, João. T. Manually driven harmonic oscillator. Physics Education, v. 55, n. 3, p. 035006, 2020.

    MILARÉ, Tathiane; RICHETTI, Graziela Piccoli; SILVA, Larissa Aparecida Rosendo. Miraculous Mineral Solution: A Theme for Chemistry Teaching from the Perspective of Scientific and Technological Literacy. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), v. 26, 2020.


    ANDRADE, Priscilla Gaia; MOLENA, Juliane Cristina; VERASZTO, Estéfano Vizconde. Analysis of the teaching-learning process with deaf students in science teaching: a review of works published in the area in the last decade. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, v. 18, n. 2, p. 361-386, 2019.

    MILARÉ, Tathiane; DELGADO, Karina Paes; ORZARI, Luiz Otávio. Interdisciplinary Island of Rationality in the formation of chemistry teachers: an experience report. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, v. 10, n. 3, p. 224-235, 2019.


    SCOMPARIN, Paulo R.; CARVALHO-NETO, João T. A simple and effective magnetic dynamometer to teach Newton’s third law. Physics Education, v. 53, n. 6, p. 065002, 2018.

    VERASZTO, Estéfano Vizconde; CAMARGO, Éder. P. D.; CAMARGO, José T. F. D., SIMON, Fernanda O.; MIRANDA, Nonato A. D. Evaluation of concepts regarding the construction of scientific knowledge by the congenitally blind: an approach using the Correspondence Analysis method. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), v. 24, p. 837-857, 2018.

    BAZON, Fernanda Vilhena Mafra; FURLAN, Elaine G. M.; FARIA, Paulo C. F., Lozano, Daniele; GOMES, Cláudia. Training of teachers and their meanings for inclusive education. Educação e Pesquisa, v. 44, 2018.

    BOZZINI, Isabela Custódio Talora; ONOFRE, Marcia Regina; SANTOS, Isabela Mendes Sant’ana; SEBASTIANI, Renata.. (Org.). Pibid UFSCar: a collaborative partnership between university and school. São Carlos: Pedro & João Editores, 2018.

    CALZOLARI, Anselmo; MILARÉ, Tathiane; SILVA, Daniel Luiz. “Role-play” and argumentation in dialogic perspective in the initial formation of Science teachers.Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED, p. 1-6, 2018.


    LOPES, Nataly Carvalho; MILARÉ, Tathiane. Education of science teachers: proposals for research, teaching and extension in licentiates. Curitiba: Editora CRV. 200 p.

    MOLENA, Juliane Cristina; ANDRADE, Priscilla Gaia; VERASZTO, Estéfano Vizconde. Indicators of inclusion of deaf students in regular classrooms. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, v. 16, n. 2, 2017.

    CARVALHO, João T. de; APOLINÁRIO, Fernando R.; SOARES, Aline de A. Six-channel analog photogate system for teaching physics laboratories. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, v. 40, 2017.